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from arc legal

We offer a wide range of tailored Assistance insurance products and services for home, motor, cyber, emergency assistance and replacement products and services.

With our in-house employed trades network, Home Emergency and Legal Assistance Helplines, and partnerships with quality external providers, we can deliver both underwritten and paid-for bespoke ancillary products that respond to your customer needs.

Click on any of the tiles below to find out more about our Assistance insurance products:

Layover Home Emergency assistance insurance
Home emergency icon

Home Emergency

Specialist Home Emergency insurance and additional services that provide help and assistance in the event of an emergency in the home.

Full UK coverage is provided through a mix of national and local suppliers.

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Gadget Insurance

Comprehensive Gadget Insurance that provides cover for repair and replacement for a wide range of valuable devices against theft, loss, and accidental damage.

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Tax protection icon

Tax Protection

Distributed by brokers through affinity groups and by accountants, our Tax Protection Insurance covers accountants’ fees when an individual or business faces an enquiry or investigation by HM Revenue & Customs.

The policy is supported by a 24/7 Tax Helpline and claims specialists.

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Replacement vehicle Icon

Replacement Vehicle

Replacement Vehicle Insurance providing car hire if the owner’s vehicle is deemed not roadworthy or is off the road being repaired resulting a road traffic collision, fire, malicious damage, or theft/attempted theft.

Private vehicle, small commercial and electric replacement vehicles are all catered for.

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Key icon

Key Protection

Key Protection insurance that provides cover for the cost of replacement and related assistance in the event of loss of, or inability to access, household and motor keys/fobs.

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Motor breakdown icon

Motor Breakdown

Tailored roadside assistance and recovery to provide service-led cover, particularly for customers with non-standard vehicles, including horse boxes, larger vehicles, trailers, and electric vehicles.

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Personal accident icon

Motor Personal Accident

Motor Personal Accident insurance provides cover for bodily injury or death resulting from a motor vehicle accident, and covers the driver and passengers in the insured vehicle.

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Personal cyber ID fraud icon

Personal Cyber and ID Fraud

Covers the cost of access to specialist advice and assistance for customers who suffer from a cyber-attack or are subject to ID Fraud, in their personal life.

The service, provided by cyber experts, is focused on limiting damage and restoring the customer’s systems and networks as soon as possible.

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Excess insurance icon

Excess Insurance

Excess Insurance covers the excess costs for motor insurance policyholders that are involved in ‘at fault’ road traffic accidents, including accidental damage, fire, theft, and vandalism.

Policies are normally embedded by brokers within standard motor insurance policies.

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Assistance helpline icon

Assistance Helplines

Arc Legal Group operates a range of specialist helplines and online portals, embedded as services within wider insurance or assistance products or membership benefits.

Our wide range of helplines include Crisis, Counselling, Cyber, Home Emergency, Health & Medical, Legal and Tax support.

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

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We’re waiting to hear from you. Call, email or use our live chat service to find out how we can help you deliver market leading, tailored products and services to your customers.

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