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Earlier this year, I talked about our new digital interface for customers, the Arc ‘Legal Assistance Portal’ (LAP), which in the months since it launched, is proving to be an excellent source of advice and guidance for customers who need legal advice and guidance, but don’t necessarily want to talk to someone on the phone.

The launch of the LAP is just the latest step in digital delivery for our end-customers, ensuring that they can access all the legal support they need in a way that suits them, and that as a business we remain ahead of the changing needs of our customers.

Whilst in most cases, the good old telephone is still our customers’ preferred method of access, there are those who prefer to access legal assistance online, with the support of phone-based advice if and when needed.

As well as an ‘Advice Tree’ function, which guides customers through some of the most common legal queries, the LAP contains the following services:

  • Advice from our experts on the most common legal issues our Legal Assistance Helpline (LAH) helps customers to address
  • Dynamic letter and other legal document templates which customers can use themselves to attempt to resolve their legal issue without having to seek assistance from a solicitor
  • Direct access to our innovative Online Claims System (OCS)
  • Chat online with a member of our First Response Unit (FRU) Team
  • Arrange an appointment for the Legal LAH to call the customer at a time suitable for the customer during our core hours

Though it’s only been live for a short time, feedback from our customers and partners suggests the LAP is proving to be a valuable service, giving people access to alternative forms of dispute resolution, and guidance on how to address their legal issues.

We currently explain to our customers how they can access the LAP when they contact the LAH, but going forward we will feature the details prominently in customer policy documentation, ensuring that when they need help, they know where to find it fast.

As part of our continuing drive to digitise our services, we are also looking at other areas of the business that will benefit from a slick, online service offering, starting with Home Emergency later in the year.  I’ll look forward to sharing all of the exciting details in due course.

Richard Finan, Director of Strategic Development, Arc Legal Group

For further details on our products and services, please contact your Partnerships Manager or email

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