Arc Legal now provides the MGA with expert Family Legal Expenses, Landlords Legal Expenses & Rent Guarantee and Home Emergency products across its portfolio.
The partnership with Geo Underwriting is the first significant deal to be confirmed since Arc Legal Group launched in March 2022, following the successful integration of the AmTrust Underwriting and Legal Insurance Management (LIM) businesses into the group.
“This new deal with Geo Underwriting is a strong example of our strategy in action. Our aim is to be the ‘go-to provider’ of LEI and ancillary insurance solutions to the UK market, giving our partners carefully tailored, bespoke products that meet the needs of their customers. We’re pleased to be developing our relationship with Geo Underwriting, and by extension, the Ardonagh Group, and look forward to exploring further opportunities to extend this mutually beneficial partnership.”
“Geo is extremely excited to be partnering with Arc Legal Group to give our customers access to their market-leading LEI and Home Emergency products. We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the business, and see this as a key part of our ongoing product strategy”
For further details on our products and services, please contact your Partnerships Manager or email
Arc Legal CEO Lee Taylor outlines the value in having a supportive parent of the scale of AmTrust; and why it makes sense to keep an eye on legislation and social changes in order to keep innovating.
12/24: Whether it’s a burst pipe, a broken boiler, flooding, or roof damage, your customers are in safe hands with Arc Legal’s Home Emergency Insurance product.
11/24: On November 20 2024, the Lord Chancellor published the three-year Statutory Review of The Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 introduced as part of the Civil Liability Act 2018.